Clima en Beijing

El Testamento del Paisa

14 July, 2011

Claiming copyright fees from a 10 years old girl? WTF?

Although this article is not exactly new (21st July 2010), I cannot stop thinking about how far a big media corporation can go on its pursuit for money... SHAME ON YOU BOURNE Co. MUSIC PUBLISHERS, SHAME ON YOU MARCO BERROCAL

U.S. publisher hits schoolgirl, 10, with £1,300 bill for using Chaplin song in her charity video
By CHRIS BROOKE - See original article here

It seemed the perfect way for a budding young actress to raise money for a good cause. Inspired by her grandfather's love of Charlie Chaplin, ten-year-old Bethany Hare dressed up like the legendary comic to star in her own video tribute.
The heartwarming homemade film, featuring the schoolgirl singing the song 'Smile', was posted on the JustGiving website to raise funds for a children's hospice.
Yet, astonishingly, the short internet video has become the subject of a copyright dispute.
The New York-based publishing company who own the rights to the song - which was originally composed by Chaplin as an instrumental for his 1936 movie Modern Times - insisted Bethany had to remove the harmless clip.
After her mother Yvonne wrote to explain the background to the Chaplin video, the publishers said they could keep the song online for one year as long as they paid a $2,000 (£1,300) fee and a further $250 (£165) every time she performs the song in public.
The demands were impossible to meet and Bethany has been forced to remove the words and music and running the video as a 'silent movie' instead.
The Hare family understood they had the support of the Chaplin estate, but the Bourne Music Co has refused to relent.
Despite the copyright problems Bethany, who goes to stage school and has worked as an extra in the TV soap Emmerdale, has so far managed to raise £1,800 for Martin House Children's Hospice.
Both Mrs Hare and her husband Simon, from Horsforth, Leeds, have been left bewildered by the refusal of Marco Berrocal from the publishing company to allow the schoolgirl charity song.
Mrs Hare said: 'We wrote back to Mr Berrocal explaining that this was just the project of a ten-year-old girl. We also explained that Bethany was raising money for children with life limiting illnesses and that Martin House survived totally on money raised by fundraisers.

Bethany Hare who recreated a Charlie Chaplin Video
A still from the video Bethany made. The publishers told her family they could keep the song online for one year as long as they paid a $2,000 (£1,300) fee and a further $250 (£165) every time she performs the song in public

'Copyright permission for this little charity fundraising project never even entered our minds and we are just amazed that such a large company in New York would go to such extremes to dampen the efforts of such a lovely little girl.'
Father Simon added: 'We have been fighting them for a year now and it's put such a strain on Bethany.'
Bethany funded the video herself with cash she earned as an Emmerdale extra. She initially learnt and performed the song for her grandfather's 71st birthday and then had the idea of using her skills to raise charity cash.
She carefully planned the short video and the family were given permission to film inside a local museum where Bethany had visited on a school trip.

Charlie Chaplin in the 1936 film Modern Times
The song was originally composed by Chaplin as an instrumental for his 1936 film Modern Times.

A message on her JustGiving website states:'Due to unforeseen problems regarding Bethany's use of the music and lyrics of the song 'Smile', we are afraid that we received an email from Bourne Music Co. in New York, asking us to remove the sound from Bethany's film until legal documentation is completed and copyright fees are paid!!
'Unfortunately we were blissfully unaware about the need for a licence of any kind. Bethany has no savings left and will therefore not be able to afford any fees - we hope you will now appreciate a silent movie instead.'
Lyrics were added to Smile in 1954 and it was originally sung by Nat King Cole.


07 July, 2011

Celebrando Empates con sabor a mediocridad!

No entiendo algo... porque en Colombia se celebra un empate? Se celebra sin haber ganado nada. Por el contrario el otro pais se preocupa y piensa en su estrategia para realmente conseguir la victoria... Por eso es que nunca vamos a mundiales.

He aqui los TITULARES DE LOS PASQUINES LOCALES (con micro-analisis)
  • Colombia le perdonó la vida a Argentina e igualaron 0-0
    Le perdonó la vida? Somos demasiado benevolos... una razon mas para no ir a un mundial, porque alla esta lleno de gente mala que no perdona un gol.

  • Empate con sabor a victoria
    Desde cuando un empate es victoria? Empate es empate... a la mierda con las cuentas y los numeros, a punto de calculos no se gana.

  • Bolillo sí sabía cómo borrar a Messi, ¡qué zorro!
    Zorrisimo ese Bolillo... Sera lo suficientemente Zorro pa' realmente poner a jugar a colombia como equipo?

  • Colombia los "congeló"
    ehh, como asi? los dejo quietos.. por un empate.

  • Waka Waka y aroma de café en la tribuna
    Si hubiese gandado argentina seria: No valio Waka Waka pa tanto Tango.

  • Crecidos Ante Argentina
    Seguimos crecidos con Argentina por la unica vez que le metimos 5. Cualquier empate es excusa pa crecernos otra vez.

  • Colombia mereció los tres puntos
    El que merece los puntos es el que gana... no un empate.

  • Argentina, cabizbaja
    Claro... empate! Uno no celebra un puto empate!

  • Colombia creció ante el favorito
    Seguimos creciditos... que verguenza.

  • Argentina, impotente
    Esta si es la tapa de la olla!! Impotente!! Impotentes nosotros cada que no vamos a un mundial por estar celebrando un marica empate!!
Saludos y sin ofender a nadie :)


06 July, 2011

Matt Cutts: Try something new for 30 days


24 June, 2011

101 Awesome Marketing Quotes

View more presentations from HubSpot Internet Marketing


10 June, 2011

Pardise Gourmet en Medellin!

Una opcion perfecta para el Dia del padre y otras ocasiones especiales!


20 April, 2011

How to be a Hash House Harrier

Jared Romey explains the time-honored tradition of getting wasted and running places.

Over the course of the last five years, I’ve hashed with 28 packs in 11 countries. I’ve run through Muslim slums and desert oil fields in the Middle East, the four green fields of Ireland, the sugar cane fields of Barbados, the shiggy of Puerto Rico and the urban density of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. I find Hashers to be the best people in the world. People who will go out of their way to pick you up at the airport, transport you around their town, let you sleep on their couch, run through the woods with you, and share their alcohol - Saigon Sally (aka Curtiss), PRH3

New in town? Looking to explore out-of-the-way, non-tourist places? Know where to meet fun people? The answer is the Hash. No, it’s not the drug. It’s not the food, either. And it’s mostly legal.

Somebody’s in trouble! Photo by davidclow

You usually first hear about it in whispers. “You Hash?,” someone may ask. “What’s that?” you reply. “Oh nothing. You kinda run some, but not always, and there’s definitely lot’s of beer, maybe even a bit of nudity. But only if you want. It’s really not as bad as it sounds. You should try it. It’s fun. I promise.”

Think of the Hash as kind of a social filter for great friends. It weeds out the straight-laced, responsible people. The left-over misfits are Hashers.

They may be Marines guarding the local embassy, the pilot who just landed your plane, that guy who manages your off-shore bank accounts, the CEO of a haircare company or a recent grad teaching English to locals. They may be expats or locals. Marathoners, teetotalers, pot-bellied couch potatoes, multi-lingual math geniuses, beach bums. They are all Hashers.

The Hash, more formally known as Hash House Harriers (HHH), is a self-professed “Drinking club with a running problem.” Founded before World War II, the Hash has grown into a worldwide phenomenon. This social club meets in cities throughout the world. Most meetings include some form of running or walking and alcohol, often both at the same time. There is always singing and perhaps a little debauchery.

Normally, running is straight-forward. One foot in front of the other and keep going. But this is the Hash. The catch? Nobody knows where the trail leads. It’s also possible nobody knows where the trail begins. And at times nobody even knows where the trail is. Symbols on the ground, generally made with flour, mark the trail for hashers. These symbols are explained at the beginning of the trail, during the chalk talk, given for the Virgins in the crowd.

Photo by basumus

Flour marks the dead-ends, song checks, beer checks, boob checks, the real trail and false trails. On any given trail, there is a 100% chance someone will get lost at some point. Just make sure you are not that person.

After the run/walk, there’s always the Hash circle. Punishments are assessed for the stupid stuff people do along the trail. These violations could be sex on the trail (no, not REALLY sex, just PDA), technology on trail, shortcutting and numerous other invented violations. The punishment is always the same. Get in the circle. Sing a song. Do a down-down. Repeat. Hares do down-downs, defined as singing a song and then slamming down your beverage of choice in one gulp. Virgins (new hashers) do down-downs. Front Running Bastards (FRBs) do down-downs. Really, everybody does down-downs.

Also, if you become a regular you will be named. Often, it is after you screw up or do something stupid. Most likely, it is not a flattering name. Ankles for Earrings, Passed Out Pumping, Play In My Pants (PIMP), Clitty Litter, Stick It In My Socket and Naughty Man are all Hash names that evoke a certain fear as to what devious behavior earned them these names.

Photo by espanol

For as off-the-wall as it sounds, most Hashes are well-organized groups. Each Hash is run by a Mis-Management Committee of a General Manager (GM), Religious Adviser (often the most unholy of people), Hare Raiser, Hash Cash, Beermeister and Haberdasher. The Committee organizes each event, everything from who lays the trail and runs the Hash circle, to purchasing beverages or offering merchandise for sale. Most Hashes charge a nominal fee to cover expenses, but you will recoup this in fun and friends in the first five minutes.

Find out about your local Hash ahead of time. Is it family-friendly, pet-friendly, extreme runners only or for walkers too? Each Hash is different. Some are miles of running, with a smidgen of social activity thrown in at the end. Others are social events, with a bit of a walk as an afterthought.

There are Hashes where kids are present, manners are required and drinking is kept to socially acceptable levels. And then there are Hashes where including kids would be a felony, alcohol consumption is beyond belief, and a little nudity is a given. No matter which version you choose, meeting great people is guaranteed.



29 March, 2011

A couple of Beijing figures

The Beijing Subway System with the proper station names translated to English.
Useless in Beijing of course.
How many hours does it take to go from Beijing to... here are right numbers.


02 February, 2011

¿Que es eso de AIESEC?

AIESEC (Association internationale des étudiants en sciences économiques et commerciales) es una organización no lucrativa internacional que funciona por estudiantes y recién graduados de instituciones de educación superior.
Su eslogan es la plataforma internacional para que la gente joven explore y desarrolle su potencial con el objetivo de tener un impacto positivo en sociedad.

AIESEC nació en el año 1948 bajo el nombre de Asociación Internacional de Estudiantes de las Ciencias Económicas y Comerciales (en francés) buscando que finalizaran los conflictos internacionles vividos en ese tiempo, a través de un entendimiento entre sus países, y de esta manera comenzaron los intercambios, jóvenes conociendo y compartiendo con otras culturas.

En la actualidad sus finalidad sigue siendo la misma: la paz mundial y el desarrollo del potencial humano. Su oficina central internacional está actualmente en Rotterdam, Países Bajos. Actualmente se sigue utilizando el acrónimo del nombre original aunque ya no con ese sentido, pues su visión se ha expandido a las ingenierías así como al resto de las ciencias sociales y humanidades.

AIESEC provee a sus miembros de oportunidades de trabajar en el exterior, conocer gente, y perseguir varias habilidades y ambiciones. A fecha 2010, está presente dentro de 1700 universidades en una red de 107 países; que posee 45.000 miembros, 9000 posiciones de liderazgo y 8500 estudiantes y graduados con experiencia de intercambio alrededor del mundo anualmente [según últimos datos de AIESEC Internacional].

AIESEC es la organización llevada por estudiantes más grande del mundo, reconocida por la ONU.

Si querés mas información entrá a:


Un homenaje al folklore y las costumbres de Antioquia La Grande!El Testamento del Paisa, Un homenaje a la raza paisa!

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