06 December, 2012
Yo digo aquí estoy
Buen Dia Antioquia!
Me acabé de encontrar con una campaña genial que ciertamente puede cambiar la vida de muchos niños en Colombia. Se llama "YO DIGO, AQUI ESTOY".
Se trata de una aplicación para teléfonos inteligentes que permite a los ciudadanos reportar casos de trabajo infantil en su cotidianidad.
La idea es que cuando una persona vea a un niño trabajando en alguna zona de Colombia ingrese a la aplicación, ubique en el mapa la localización de este niño, tome una foto (si se puede) y envie los datos.
Con los datos recogidos por la aplicación se estructura un mapa y una base de datos por categorías de trabajo que servirá de base a los organismos de control que deberán encargarse de que el proceso de dejar el trabajo y volver al colegio sea un hecho para todos estos niños en situación de vulnerabilidad.
Yo ya me la baje en www.yodigoaquiestoy.com y mientras este aqui en Colombia la voy a usar, e invito a mis amigos aqui en Colombia que tambien la usen. Un aporte pequeñito que como dije antes, puede cambiar vidas!
31 July, 2012
Speaking about the branding of the Olympics!
I've been very surprise with many things about the London Olympics particularly in the field that I "know" a bit more, I mean, branding, advertising, etc...
Things like the infamous "London Brand Police" are just an example of how silly brand protectionism can be. I read those dreadful stories such as the couple who were not allowed to enter into the stadium because they were wearing t-shirts from a sports brand that was not a sponsor, or those who were told to empty their crisps into plastic bags so they did not inadvertantly advertise brands which aren't sponsoring the games, and I just feel a deep disappointment about what has become of the Olympics: A massive branding circus!
The protagonists of all this show are some guys called LOCOG, who are in charge of all what has to do with olympics as far as I know, including the fight against "brandalism", the design of the 2012 games logo and last but not least important, the cute mascot: Wenlock.
Ohh yeah! The 2012 Olympics got a mascot! However, has been on fire for its undoubtedly resemblance to a Penis!
Obviously, LOGOG, refused such a calumny for the sake of the good image of the Olympics (and theirs of course). According to Mark Ritson* of Marketing Week the EMR (A firm of Marketing and Research) revealed that the 49% of marketing professionals in England approved Wenlock. Indeed, 30% of the sample actually preferred the new mascot to the Olympic logo. Very odd, coming from marketing proffesionals. Anyway is my humble point of view.
My questions are now:
- Is it worth all that commercialism of the London games?
- Does the 2012 London Olympics Mascot really looks like a penis?
Good night
Speaking about the branding of the Olympics!
24 February, 2012
Ad Choices
This ones comes from http://theantisocialmedia.com
Ad Choices
by JAY on FEBRUARY 23, 2012
On every other banner ad, I see a tiny logo that says “Ad Choices.”
Like I have any choice but to ignore your crappy banner ad.
Ugh, ok, fine. You have to make money. I get that.
So I click the Ad Choices logo, and it pulls up a window that says, “Hey, we’re stalking you so we can make more money off of you. Click here to read our overly long and obscure privacy policy.”
Well that’s not happening.
So, I’m presented with a list of eleven companies collecting my data. Eleven companies are collecting my data just from one crappy banner ad. And that’s not counting whatever other crap is stalking me that I don’t know about.
What’s even worse? Three of those eleven companies don’t allow me to opt out.
Who decided that you could track my browsing habits just because your crappy banner ad was served on a blog I read? I can see how this went down:
- Advertiser 1: We need more information about people who ignore our banner ads. What can we do?
- Advertiser 2:
What if we put a cookie in the banner ad to track every site a person goes to without their knowledge? - Advertiser 1:
Isn’t that a bit creepy? - Advertiser 2:
Nah. We’ll just call it “Ad Choices” to give people the illusion that they have a choice. But then we won’t allow them to opt out.
I get it that advertisers need to make money. I get it that they’re probably going to be stalking me anyways. But seriously, what idiot decided to call it Ad Choices? If I don’t have a choice to opt out, there is no choice.
Why don’t you just be honest and call them Targeted Ads or Stalking Ads or whatever that actually makes sense and doesn’t lie to people?
Ad Choices
30 January, 2012
Unpleasant Airline Passenger Problem Solved
A 50-something year old white woman arrived at her seat and saw that the passenger next to her was a black man. Visibly furious, she called the air hostess.
"What's the problem, Ma'am?" the hostess asked her
"Can't you see?" the lady said - "I was given a seat next to a black man. I can't seat here next to him. You have to change my seat"
"Please, calm down, ma'am" - said the hostess
"Unfortunately, all the seats are occupied, but I'm still going to check if we have any."
The hostess left and returned some minutes later.
"Madam, as I told you, there isn't any empty seat in this class- economy class. But I spoke to the captain and he confirmed that there isn't any empty seats in the economy class. We only have seats in the first class."
And before the woman said anything, the hostess continued
"Look, it is unusual for our company to allow a passenger from the economy class change to the first class. However, given the circumstances, the commandant thinks that it would be a scandal to make a passenger travel sat next to an unpleasant person."
And turning to the black man, the hostess said:
"Which means, Sir, if you would be so nice to pack your handbag, we have reserved you a seat in the first class..."
And all the passengers nearby, who were shocked to see the scene started applauding, some standing on their feet.
Unpleasant Airline Passenger Problem Solved
19 January, 2012
Famous quotes from Facundo Cabral
- "Every morning is good news, every child that is born is good news, every just man is good news, every singer is good news, because every singer is one less soldier."
- "I'm amazed to form part of this amazing universe and I'm proud of the hunger that keeps me awake. Because when man is full he falls asleep."
- "May God want for man to be able to be a child again to understand that he is mistaken if he thinks he can find happiness with a checkbook."
- "I don't waste time taking care of myself. Life is beautiful danger. From the danger of love, my mother had seven kids. If she had guarded herself against my father and his fervor, a singer would be missing from tonight's meeting."
- "My poor boss thinks that I'm the poor one."
- "This is a new day to begin again, to look for the angel that appears in our dreams, to sing, to laugh, to be happy again. In this new day I will leave the mirror, and try to finally be a good man. I will walk with my face to the sun, and I will fly with the moon."
- "Forgive me Lord but sometimes I get tired of being a citizen. The city tires me, the offices, my family and the economy. Forgive me Lord, I am tired of this hell, this mediocre market where everyone has a price. Forgive me Lord but I will go with you through your mountains, your seas, and your rivers. Forgive me Lord but sometimes I think you have something better than this for me. Forgive me Lord, I don't want to be a citizen, I want to be a man, Lord, like you created me."
- "I am my own inventor because that is the task with which God has trusted me. God, or the Devil because they are the same thing. The Devil is a pseudonym that God uses when he has to create something of morally doubtful character, in order to not tarnish his good name, he uses the pseudonym."
- "The poor man that walks through this borrowed life without a song, in addition to being poor is a ghost, and in addition to being a ghost, is nothing."
- "We are crossing through life on the train of death seeing how progress is putting an end to people."
- "And God created woman and she said 'My Lord, if Mary conceived without sin, couldn't I sin without conceiving?"
- "I stop in San Francisco where there's always something to hear, at least when Krishnamurti is nearby, he who knows that the fundamental revolution is to revolutionize one's self. I stop in Crete where there is always something to love."
- "I raise my voice in Italy and I am silent in India, because I am and I live in the present, because I am made of dreams, of emptiness, of wine, and of wheat, they call me MAN. It's true that I am dust, but sacred dust I am, even though you know that when I say I am, I am saying you are, invincible, unnameable. Highest Lord, don't worry about our daily bread because that is up to us, that's why we are men, but don't leave us without our nightly dream because without it we are nothing, we who are perhaps only a dream that you dream."
- "If I am a thief, it's because of private property."
- "I like the sun, Alice, and doves, a good cigar, a Spanish guitar, jumping walls, and opening windows, and when a woman cries. I like wine as much as flowers, and rabbits, but not tractors, homemade bread and Dolores' voice, and the sea wetting my feet. I like to always be lying on the sand, or chasing Manuela on a bicycle, or all the time to see the stars with Maria in the fields. I'm not from here, I'm not from there, I have no age, nor future, and being happy is my color of identity."

Famous quotes from Facundo Cabral
12 January, 2012
Que es esa vaina de SOPA?
Con imagenes de Quino, el sitio derechoaleer.org nos explica claramente como la tal SOPA es una grave amenaza a todos los ususarios de Internet.
Que es esa vaina de SOPA?
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